Electrician Mykonos - Georgalis Evangelos - Electrical Faults - Electrical Installations Mykonos

14914 Visitors:
Address: Mykonos
Area: Mykonos
Telephone: 6977615137
Mobile: -
P.C.: 84600
Fax: -
Responsible: Georgalis Evangelos
Responsible phone: -
With years of experience and continuous training on new technologies, we take responsibility for the complete electrical renovation of your home or your professional space with the perfect study and application of electrical installations.   We are next to you for any type of electrical damage 24 hours a day and consequently we undertake electrical control and immediate restoration.   With an ally of knowledge, we upgrade your home to the modern standards of the smart home ...
14914 Visitors:

Mykonos, Mykonos

14914 Visitors:

With years of experience and continuous training on new technologies, we take responsibility for the complete electrical renovation of your home or your professional space with the perfect study and application of electrical installations.


We are next to you for any type of electrical damage 24 hours a day and consequently we undertake electrical control and immediate restoration.


With an ally of knowledge, we upgrade your home to the modern standards of the smart home embracing all the necessary networks and applications so you can enjoy the benefits of new technologies and automations.


We reinforce your security by installing security systems such as camera installation, alarms, and door-to-door controllers to control your space.


As a certified electrician I am at your disposal for all kinds of electrical work:

  • Electrical home installation studies
  • Electrical installations of commercial premises
  • Lighting projects for residential and business premises
  • Electrical control and installation maintenance
  • Connecting / Mounting Domestic Appliances
  • PPC Certificates
  • Intelligent House Mechanisms
  • Garden lighting and security lighting
  • Modern building automation applications
  • Closed tracking circuit
  • Wireless and wired network applications
  • Telecommunication networks and the Internet

We are at your disposal for your prompt service with responsibility and reliability.

Yours sincerely
Georgalis Evangelos


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Electrical Installations in Mykonos Electrical Faults
Electrical Installations in Mykonos Electrical Installations
Electrical Installations in Mykonos PPC Certificates
Electrical Installations in Mykonos Led lighting
Electrical Installations in Mykonos Installing Security Systems
Electrical Installations in Mykonos Smart Homes
14914 Visitors:


Telephone: 6977615137

Working Hours

24 hours
24 hours
24 hours
24 hours
24 hours
24 hours
24 hours